Pixel Shader 2.0 Download
Pixel Shading is a method used for rendering advanced graphical features such as bump mapping and shadows. Most modern PC games utilize pixel shaders in conjunction with advanced GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) found on most Nvidia, AMD and certain Intel video cards. Pixel Shaders also directly correspond with Microsoft's DirectX platform. A Pixel Shader is a graphics function that calculates effects on a per-pixel basis. Depending on resolution, in excess of 2 million pixels may need to be rendered, lit, shaded, and colored for each frame, at 60 frames per second.That in turn creates a tremendous computational load. PixelRenderUnity3D (Ver 1.1) PixelRender is a complete system of shaders, effects, scripts & tools for rendering 3D scenes as 2D pixel art. The key components are the PixelArt shader for rendering meshs using palette based shading, the PixelOutline image effect for drawing pixel-perfect outlines & the Palette Editor which provides several features for creating, generating & manipulating. Pixel shader 2.0 (and other variants) are hard-coded into the video card and its drivers. If you have a very fast processor and a good amount of ram, you may be able to get around the pixel shader. Pixel Shader 2 0 free download - Euro Truck Simulator 2, 2 Find MP3, BitMeter 2, and many more programs. Freeware - pixel shader 2 0. Wild-DNA Slide Show, WordPress Web 2, Web 2.
This automated test verifies the requirements listed in the test details table.
This topic applies to the following test jobs:
Pixel Shaders Ver 3.0
Pixel Shaders Ver 3.0 (WoW64)
Test details
Download Pixel Shader 5.0
Specifications |
Platforms |
Supported Releases |
Expected run time (in minutes) | 60 |
Category | Compatibility |
Timeout (in minutes) | 3600 |
Requires reboot | false |
Requires special configuration | false |
Type | automatic |
Additional documentation
Tests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and troubleshooting information, that can be found in the following topic(s):
Running the test
Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Graphic Adapter or Chipset Testing Prerequisites.
For generic troubleshooting of HLK test failures, see Troubleshooting Windows HLK Test Failures.
For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Device.Graphics Testing.
More information
Command syntax
Command option | Description |
Pshader3.exe -ps30 -ps30_tex -ps30_cube -ps30_vol -M:[Monitor] Pshader3.exe -ps1x -ps1x_tex -ps1x_cube -ps1x_vol -M:[Monitor] [MODIFIEDCMDLINE] | Runs the Pixel Shaders Ver 3.0 (WoW64) test job. |
Pshader3.exe -ps30 -ps30_tex -ps30_cube -ps30_vol -M:[Monitor] [MODIFIEDCMDLINE] | Runs the Pixel Shaders Ver 3.0 test job. |
For command line help for this test binary, type /?.
File list
File | Location |
Configdisplay.exe | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstesttools |
D3d10ref.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3d11ref.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3dcompiler_test.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3dref9.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3dx10_test.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3dx11_test.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
Fpstate.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dutility |
Modechange.exe | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dutility |
Pshader3.exe | <[testbinroot]>nttest |
TDRWatch.exe | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphics |
Vbswap.x | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dconf |
Parameter name | Parameter description |
MONITOR | Index of display output to target with test |
MODIFIEDCMDLINE | Additional command line arguments for test executable |
LLU_NetAccessOnly | LLU Name of net user |
ConfigDisplayCommandLine | Custom Command Line for ConfigDisplay. Default: logo |
TDRArgs | /get or /set |
This automated test verifies the requirements listed in the test details table.
Pixel Shader 2.0 Free Download
This test document applies to the following test jobs:
Pixel Shaders Ver 1.1
Pixel Shaders Ver 1.1 (WoW64)
Pixel Shaders Ver 1.2
Pixel Shaders Ver 1.2 (WoW64)
Pixel Shaders Ver 1.3
Pixel Shaders Ver 1.3 (WoW64)
Pixel Shaders Ver 1.4
Pixel Shaders Ver 1.4 (WoW64)
Pixel Shaders Ver 2.0
Pixel Shaders Ver 2.0 (WoW64)
Test details
Specifications |
Platforms |
Supported Releases |
Expected run time (in minutes) | 3 |
Category | Compatibility |
Timeout (in minutes) | 180 |
Requires reboot | false |
Requires special configuration | false |
Type | automatic |
Additional documentation
Tests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and troubleshooting information, that can be found in the following topic(s):
Running the test
Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Graphic Adapter or Chipset Testing Prerequisites.
For generic troubleshooting of HLK test failures, see Troubleshooting Windows HLK Test Failures.
For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Device.Graphics Testing.
More information
Command syntax
Command option | Description |
Pshader.exe -Ver:1.1 -M:[Monitor] | This command runs the Pixel Shaders Ver 1.1 test job and the Pixel Shaders Ver 1.1 (WoW64) test job. |
Pshader.exe -Ver:1.2 -M:[Monitor] | This command runs the Pixel Shaders Ver 1.2 test job and the Pixel Shaders Ver 1.2 (WoW64) test job. |
Pshader.exe -Ver:1.3 -M:[Monitor] | This command runs the Pixel Shaders Ver 1.3 test job and the Pixel Shaders Ver 1.3 (WoW64) test job. /crash-bandicoot-cd-serial-key.html. |
Pshader.exe -Ver:1.4 -M:[Monitor] | This command runs the Pixel Shaders Ver 1.4 test job and the Pixel Shaders Ver 1.4 (WoW64) test job. |
Pshader.exe -Ver:2.0 -M:[Monitor] | This command runs the Pixel Shaders Ver 2.0 test job and the Pixel Shaders Ver 2.0 (WoW64) test job. |
For command line help for this test binary, type /?.
File list
File | Location |
Configdisplay.exe | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstesttools |
D3d10ref.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3d11ref.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3dcompiler_test.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3dref.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3dref8.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3dref9.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3dx10_test.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3dx11_TEST.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3dx8d.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
D3dx9_TEST.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dsupport |
Fpstate.dll | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dutility |
Modechange.exe | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dutility |
Pshader.exe | <[testbinroot]>nttest |
TDRWatch.exe | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphics |
Vbswap.x | <[testbinroot]>nttestwindowstestgraphicsd3dconf |
Parameter name | Parameter description |
MONITOR | Index of display output to target with test |
MODIFIEDCMDLINE | Additional command line arguments for test executable |
LLU_NetAccessOnly | LLU Name of net user |
ConfigDisplayCommandLine | Custom Command Line for ConfigDisplay. Default: logo |
TDRArgs | /get or /set |